Tag: The Bell Jar

  • The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath Book Review

                    When I first read The Bell Jar, I was about eighteen or nineteen years old, and I remember thinking that the book was good. So good that I picked up a biography about Sylvia Plath from the library and found out that some of what happens to Esther in The Bell Jar, happened to…

  • What I Will Next Be  Reading: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

    I  will  next  be reading “The Bell Jar”  by Sylvia Plath.  It is the story of a  young woman  who is  a  writer  that  is  also struggling  with  some issues.   Some facts I got from the  book are that it was published  a  few  weeks  before Sylvia Plath  committed  suicide  and  under  a pseudonym.  The…