Let Me Introduce Myself

I  am  Avis,  the person  behind Sincerely,  Avis.  My  blog  is about  reading classic literature, and how  I think it enriches  one’s  life  to read  the classics.  I  don’t  mean that  in a pretentious  way,  but  in a way  that  you  read  anything  which  is for the good  stories  because  that  is  essentially why  the classics  have lasted  so  long  is  because  they  are  good to great stories.

I will write reviews  on the books I am  reading.  I  will  tell you beforehand  what  book I will be  tackling.   If you want  to join me,  feel  free.  To tell you a bit about myself, I grew  up  reading  romance  novels  and around my  teens  decided  to tackle  the classics. 

Around a  decade ago something happened to me  that made reading difficult, and I stopped  reading.  I  started to read again  about  two years ago  but  still not at the pace that I  used  to  but now I am back  to reading, and I realized how much I missed it.

I decided to start this blog  to  share my love of classic  literature and  because I wanted to revisit the  classics, and I figured  if I had a blog I won’t give  up  on my goal.  I have an  A. A in English  Literature from a community  college,  but I don’t have a  teaching background,  and  I hope you  know that  my views on classic  literature  is  not  set in stone.  I am a layperson just  giving  her  opinion.

So join me on my blog  and  let’s  read  some  classic  literature.







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